Saturday, April 28, 2012

My first MAJOR oops-turned-awesome

SOOO, I was embroidering Phillip's shirts, like I mentioned in my prior post, and everything was going great. I was putting a purple B on a purple and white pin stripe non-iron shirt. I went to take it off the loom when I finished and... OOOPPS! I accidentally sewed a sleeve under the B. Honey wasn't too thrilled; however, I was actually surprised that he wasn't toooo upset. This was a nice Joseph Banks shirt and one of the few purple shirts in his closet.

The next day, I was browsing Pinterest and came across a tutorial to take a men's dress shirt and refashion it to a maternity top. I'm not preggers, but still thought it was a cute idea so I gave it a shot. I cut off the sleeves and the collar, shirred around the waist to cinch it, made a ruffle out of white cotton fabric and added the ruffle around the neck and down the front opening of the shirt. It was my first time shirring, so I know I can do better.

I wouldn't wear this without a cardigan because the sleeve holes are too big. I guess I could make adjustments... Hmmmm ideas. I also made a headband with a pretty flower and Phillip a bow tie (he's on a bow tie and wild pants kick). He didn't feel like modeling tonight, so I will save the bow tie for another post. Sorry for the fuzzy photos... Enjoy!
Love the texture ruffles add. 
Joseph Banks now makes women's clothes! hehe
See, the shirring could be better.....
lil' flower

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